Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Nurture debate in relation to the development of an individual Essay
The major debate concerning personality and nurture has been exhalation on for decades and is still unresolved. much people like to swear what we boast inherited and our agents argon what sword us unique (the way we are and how we develop). Other people believe that the way we are raised and our experiences, that make us the way we are and how we grow. physically the way we are built and look drive appear be mainly due to char chiper. The genes that we inherit from our parents make the way of we look. For example, people rank Dont you look like your set ab come in? Genetic inheritance can define our eye colour (blue or hazel), whether we shoot square(a) or curly hairs-breadth or how small we might be. We could similarly inherit sure genetic diseases which can seriously impact on our health. Though, we can still make decisions on how we look and how we change our appearance. at that place are multiple polar cosmetic procedures available to alter our look. How we consume to live expose our spirit and the choices that we make can have an crook on how we look. For ex, constantly eating junk food and not doing any exercising could lead to obesity. The environment that we are raised in and the experiences we go through can influence our health which contri scarcees to physical growth. An ex of how nature and nurture can strike our physical growth is we might exsert genes that could lead us to be in danger of developing lawsuit 2 diabetes, but if we were to eat a healthy diet and welcome ample exercise, we might not develop the disease. temperament Jades begins childhood was very unlike to what it is today, her life could have been called a integrityrous life, and her mother was bought up on her own by her own mother as her aim died when she was 6 months old. As she grew up with step to the fore a dumbfound figure in her life she closed herself transfer emotionally from males in general. Jades mother grew up somewhat a plenteousn ess of uncles and aunts so she was ceaseless(prenominal)ly well looked by her family. Jade grew very close to her gran everyplace the long time as she wasnt getting the attention she wanted off her mother, as she had gotten remarried she had become very distant. When her gran died jades mother was very alone, she just now ever spoke to her mother apart from at meal generation and after shed get in from being out with her friends. This got increasingly more awkward as meter went on as the spic-and-span husband never showed her any kindness so her mother lodgeed out to avoid the arguments.Nurture Where jades mother spent a lot of time in hospital during her life she was withal slower to develop as a person as she wasnt with her friends oft enough to have developed personality traits. As she got ripened she started staying out overnight and sacking to parties where on that point would be lots of alcohol, drugs and sex. She also began hanging out with the older boys and girls this meant that she was developing at a much faster rate than what she would usually have done. The environment that the she was raised in was very tranquil, peaceful and entitle neighbourhood there was barely ever any trouble around where she grew up. Nevertheless as she got older she began to get more curious around the rough areas around where she lived later on during her life she found herself surround by people who lived in these rough areas. This alter the way she saw her own life and what she has been taking for granted. Evaluate how the nature and nurture debate in may affect the physical, intellectual, emotional and amicable developing of two life stages of the development of your chosen family memberNatureAs each cell in the body chequers 23 pairs of chromosomes, one chromosome from each pair is inherited from your mother and one is inherited from your father. These chromosomes contain the genes you inherit from your parents. There may be different forms of t he same gene. These different forms are called allelomorphs.For example, for the gene that determines eye colour, there may be an allele for green eyes and an allele for hazel eyes. You may inherit a hazel allele from your mother and a green allele from your father. In this instance, you will end up with hazel eyes because hazel is the predominant allele. Those different forms of genes are cause by changes in the DNA coding. The same holds true for medical conditions, there may be a faulty gene that would result in a medical condition, and a normal meter reading that might not cause any health anomalies. If your child ends up with a medical condition it will depend on certain biological factors including What genes they inherit, whether the gene for that condition is dominant or recessive, their environment, including any preaching they may receive a genetic disease or derange is the consequence of changes, or vicissitudes, in an individuals DNA.A mutation is an alteratio n in the letters (DNA sequence) that makes up a gene. Its more commonly referred to as a spelling mistake. Gene codes for proteins, the molecules that carry out legal age of the work, perform most life functions, and make up the majority of cellular structures. When a gene is mutated so that its protein product can no longer carry out its normal function, a disorder can result. Genetic diseases can be inherited because they are mutations in the origin cells in the body the cells involved in passing genetic entropy from parents to offspring. Genetic diseases can also result from changes in DNA in somatic cells, or cells in the body that are not seminal fluid cells.Some genetic diseases are called Mendelian disorders they are caused by mutations that issue forth in the DNA sequence of a single gene. These are commonly rare diseases such as Huntingtons disease and cystic fibrosis. legion(predicate) genetic diseases are multifactorialthey are caused by mutations in several(pren ominal) genes compounded by environmental factors. Some examples of these are heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.Adolescence sensible & Social developmentNurture affected the physical and cordial development of Katherines mother Emma. During her adolescence phase Emma purview that shed have to change the way she looked to curb into society (as she was obese). Emma began to blame herself and others because of the way she looked, she has had to see a ton of criticism from her close family and some friends as they used to say stuff like youve got such a pretty event but if you lost a bit of lean youd be so much better off. Throughout this time Emma looked towards the detain of her friends for acceptance which meant that to fit in with them she had to have the same stuff that everyone else had (clothes, technology etc.). This was obviously very unwieldy because of the fact she was quite overweight she couldnt purchase the same eccentric of clothes that her friends wore thi s do her stand out of the crowd which gave her that extra attention that she didnt want. Emma spent a lot of time trying to fit in during her teenage years but she found out being herself was more important than losing who she was just to fit in. Emma stayed up late chatting with her friends. A lack of sleep could also affect our body it would increase blood pressure and cholesterol level, increase direction hormones, etc. Sleep is really important, at this age as she should be having at least 7-9 hours of sleep. adroit developmentNature affected Emma intellectually throughout this period as Emma wasnt really sure on what type of career she wanted to do, however after some thought she seed she wanted to that pursue a career that would evolve destiny the elderly. She accomplished in getting a origin whilst being at school as this would help her to develop some new skills and let in her to make her own money, although she knew that wasnt the career path she wanted to stay in . Emma also began to volunteer at a care crustal plate this is what helped her to decide on what career path she wanted to go down. stirred developmentNurture also affected Emma emotionally during her adolescence Emma had poor self-image and low self-esteem. She also began to resent her friends and her mother as they both wanted her to be person that she was not, when it was clear that she was never going to be able to keep the act up forever. During adolescence Emma began to question her own self-worth as some friends were also reservation snide little comments whilst her back was turned. Emma began to hang around with men as she went into this life stage as she thought that they were a lot less cruel. The boys accepted her more as part of their group so she began to produce up her self-image up again, giving her more confidence and self-belief.AdulthoodPhysical developmentEmma was affected by nature during her adulthood. During her adulthood she discovered that she was at risk of developing a variety of different genetic diseases (diabetes type one, lung cancer, breast cancer, asthma etc.). Emma also discovered that she may not be able to have children of her own because she has Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which sometimes genetic. If any relatives, such as your mother, sister or aunt, have PCOS then the risk of you developing it is often a greater chance than usual. As she began to get older her hair began to get darker and she began to get grey bits through her hair, she also has had more problems with her teeth as they are falling out or being alter due to decay. As she got older she also began to put on weight as her metabolism started slowing down. During this life stage Emma became pregnant with Katherine and there were some complications during the birth as she had to have caesarean due to preeclampsia.Intellectual developmentEmma was less influenced by nature as an adult as she can make her own choices and decision. When she was deciding on what course is she was going take after finishing secondary school, she knew what she wanted to do after volunteering in elderly care home. When she turned 20 Emma got her first stemma in a care home she was working double shifts because of the retire that she had grown towards her prank. After working in a care home for the terminally ill, my mother decided that she wanted a change her job outlook and she started working in a domestic abuse spirit for women. When Emma became pregnant with me she started doing hairdressing from home. This was more of a hobby for my mother as she would only do family or close friends. She had had to give up her job at domestic abuse centre because it would have meant putting Katherine in danger and the people at the centre wouldnt allow it.Emotional development & Social developmentEmma was both emotionally and socially affected by nurture. Emma was influenced by friends and new work colleagues in adulthood, as you grow more work connection s as you get older. Emotionally she began to ponder about life as a teenager, and recognized that the choices she made were the vanquish for her. When Emma reached this life stage she found love and spent 20 years with Katherines father which end after attempting to save their relationship for 2 years. Their relationship had been very successful for 18 years, but after Emmas mother died he began to try to control her. Emma found it very difficult to deal with after her mother died as she had a few downslope about the way their relationship ended. Emotionally Emma also found out that after her mother died that she could inherit a variety of genetic diseases. This made it hard for Emma to focus on the positives after splitting up with my father and her mother dying. Socially Emma relied on her friends a lot more as she got older as her family didnt really contact her after her mother had died. Emma had several best friends that were there to support after her relationship had e nded and her mother had died.
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