
Wednesday, February 6, 2019

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay example -- Biographies Presidents Papers

antic Fitzgerald KennedyJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy 35th chairman of the United States, the youngestperson ever to be select president. He was also the number one Roman Catholicpresident and the first president to be born in the 20th century.Kennedy was assassinated in front he completed his third year as president.Therefore his achievements were limited. Nevertheless, his determine wasworldwide, and his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis may have preventedwar. Young spate especially liked him. No other president was so popular.He brought to the presidency an awareness of the cultural and historicaltraditions of the United States. Because Kennedy expressed the value of20th-century America, his presidency was important beyond its politicalachievements. John Kennedy was born in Brookline, Massachusetts. He wasthe second of nine children.Kennedy announced his candidacy early in 1960. By the time the DemocraticNational Convention opened in July, he had won seven primary victorie s. Hismost important had been in West Virginia, where he proved that a RomanCatholic could make headway in a predominantly Protestant state.When the convention opened, it appeared that Kennedys but if seriouschallenge for the nomination would come from the Senate majority leader,Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas. However, Johnson was strong only amongSouthern delegates. Kennedy won the nomination on the first ballot and and thenpersuaded Johnson to become his running mate.Two weeks later the Republicans nominated Vice chairwoman Richard Nixon forpresident and Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., who was ambassador to the UnitedNations and whom Kennedy had defeated for the Senate in 1952, for feeblenesspresident. In the fast-paced campaign th... ...approached an underpass, two shots were fired in fastsuccession. One bullet passed through the presidents neck and laid low(p)Governor Connally in the back. The other bullet struck the president in thehead. Kennedy fell forward, and his car sped to Pa rkland Hospital. At 100PM, he was pronounced dead. He had never regained consciousness.Less than two hours after the shooting, aboard the presidential plane atthe Dallas airport, Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in as the 36th president ofthe United States.That afternoon, Lee Harvey Oswald, who was employed in the warehouse, wasarrested in a Dallas celluloid theater and charged with the murder.On November 24 the body of President Kennedy was carried on a horse-drawncarriage from the White House to the Rotunda of the Capitol. Hundreds ofthousands of people filed past(a) the coffin of the slain president.

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